Open Conference Systems - Universitas Tanjungpura, Seminar Nasional Penerapan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi 2019

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Adityo Darmawan Sudagung, Maya Bofa

Last modified: 2019-11-19


This research aims to explain the Venezuelan crisis that became a new zone for proxy conflict between United States-Europe and Russia-China. Political instability in Venezuela led to a chance for those superpower states in influencing the Venezuelan social, political, and economic. This case will be analyzed by a qualitative method with regional security complex theory, international intervention in International Relations, and the balance of power concept. Data will be collected through secondary data from books, journal articles, and internet sources. This research found that Venezuelan crisis getting worst with the national and international recognition of two different presidents. The first perception came from the United States of America and European states that not only recognized Guaido as president, but also implemented sanction over Maduro administration. The second perception came from Russia and China which provided military aid to Maduro administration. These different identities affected the action of states group affiliated to the rightful Venezuelan government. The United States perceived Russia and China action as provocative act while Russia claimed United States action as violation and intervention over Venezuela's sovereignty. Impact of the power struggle between United States-Europe and Russia-China also threat the regional security through the increased number of Venezuelan left their own country.


balance of power; proxy conflict; intervention; security.

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